Below is a list of known participating library locations for this location.  If your library is not on the list and would like to be included, please Register Your Program


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Flagstaff CityFlagstaff City-Coconino County Public LibraryVisitAstroDeanVisit
Fountain HillsFountain Hills LibraryVisitFountain Hills Astronomy ClubVisit
GilbertSoutheast Regional LibraryVisitEast Valley Astronomy ClubVisit
PeoriaPeoria Public LibraryVisitWest Valley Astronomy ClubVisit
SurpriseNorthwest Regional LibraryVisitWest Valley Astronomy ClubVisit
TucsonPima County LibraryVisitTucson Amateur Astronomy AssociationVisit


Our Goal

To foster scientific literacy, stimulate an interest in astronomy, and provide people who have never looked through a telescope the chance to experience the excitement that comes from discovery