Register Your Program


Complete the following form to register your program with us. For libraries with many branches, we want to list each location where patrons can checkout a telescope. 

If you have more than five locations for this library or if you want to fully refresh your library listing, we can send you a spreadsheet to complete and send back to us.  Use the "contact us" area of our website to request the spreadsheet. Let us know if this the first time that you have registered on our site or if you adding more locations to an existing registration.   

Once submitted, we will add your program registration to our world map of participating libraries. 

Participating Library

Let us know your library name and location.

Number of Telescopes - This registration

Enter your count of library telescopes for this registration.  We do not post these counts to our resource page.  We use them to estimate the total number of telescopes available across regions.

List all locations where telescopes can be checked out

We want to list each library location where patrons can checkout a library telescope.  For example, a library with a main office and one branch would be listed as two entries.

In the form provided below, please provide the name of each library branch and the city where it is located .  A library registering for the first time with a "main" library location and one branch location would provide entries under location #1 and location #2.

Supporting Organization (if one exists)

Your Contact Information


Our Goal

The Library Telescope Program fosters scientific literacy, stimulates interest in astronomy, and offers the awe and excitement of exploring the night sky to those who may have never looked through a telescope.